Tags: A lesson for this Sunday ALAN SEEGER I have a rendezvous with death ALFRED ALFRED NOYES AUDRE LORD be not proud Because I Could Not Stop for Death DEREK WALCOTT ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING EMILY DICKINSON EMMA LAZARUS GABRIEL OKARA Once upon a time HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW A psalm of life How do I love thee JOHN DONNE Death JOHN KEATS Ode on a grecian urn JOHN MILTON On His Blindness KRISTINA LOUISA CARR Lucy in the sky with diamonds LEWIS CARROLL Jabberwocky LORD BYRON She walks in beauty LORD TENNYSON MATILDA B. EDWARDS A child’s prayer MAYA ANGELOU Still I Rise PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR We wear the mask PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY Ozymandias RED ROSE ROBERT BURNS A RED ROBERT FROST The road not taken ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON My shadow 67 RUDYARD KIPLING If __ Selected Poetry of Nasir Malik SHEL SILVERSTEIN Where the sidewalk ends 72 SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE Kubla Khan The Highwayman The lady of Shalott The new colossus The new colossus EZRA POUND The return WALLACE STEVENS Anecdote of the jar Who said it was simple? WILLIAM BLAKE The tiger WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Sonnet 82 WALT WHITMAN O captain! My captain! WILLIAM WORDSWORTH Daffodils